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Principal's Message

Dear Parents,Guardians, and Students,

We are thrilled to welcome you back for the 2024-2025 school year! Our team is excited to greet our students on Tuesday, September 3rd, and we look forward to an inspiring and successful year ahead. 

At Trinity High School, our administration, faculty, and staff are dedicated to preparing our students for their futures. As we implement new educational programs and refine our curriculum, our focus remains on being Student-Centered.

We are committed to establishing a learning culture in all aspects of our work, fostering a growth mindset for ourselves and our students, and, most importantly, putting children first in everything we do.

Our theme for the 2024-2025 school year is Embracing Excellence.  The daily expectation is to be an excellent person and/or student.   Academic effort, Acts of kindness, and Aim to improve are the 3 A’s of Excellence.

High school is an exciting time filled with both opportunities and challenges. Our faculty, staff, and administration are dedicated to supporting our students' development academically, socially, and personally. Students will have numerous opportunities to explore their strengths, passions, and interests inside and outside the classroom.

As the school year begins, we will hold grade-level Student Orientation Meetings. During these meetings, we will review important information, including the Trinity High School Student/Parent Handbook, which can be accessed via the high school website.  Please review this handbook carefully with your child.

We encourage all stakeholders to frequently visit the high school website for updates and information. The News and Announcements section provides the latest news from Trinity High School, while the Quick Links and School Counseling sections offer additional resources to support your child. You can also follow Trinity High School on Twitter @thstrinitypride.

Parents and guardians can monitor their child’s attendance and academic progress through Skyward Family Access, our student information system’s family portal. Please ensure your email address is up-to-date in your Skyward account, as most communication from the high school will be sent via email. If you encounter any issues accessing the portal, please contact the High School Office.

If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s education, please do not hesitate to contact us.  Our students are the heartbeat of our school community, and we are incredibly fortunate to work with such amazing young people who inspire us every day!



Zachary Zebrasky

High School Principal