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Educational Links

Outstanding Curriculum Resources for Educators

Academic Info
A subject guide to some of the best sites for advanced research.


Advanced Placement Biology
This is a resource designed for AP Biology teachers.


Advanced Placement Program
The Advanced Placement Program has many links for AP courses


AskERIC: Educational Information with the Personal Touch
This is an extensive database on educational resources, research, and lesson plans.


Big Chalk
This is a very comprehensive site provided by BigChalk (ProQuest & eLibrary).   Link to homework sites, reviews of top websites, or use ExplorAsource, a link that matches needs and standards to resources.
This site enables teachers to easily create online classes, discussions, and tests.


Blue Web'n
Browse education links by subject (Dewey Decimal number) or content, web based tutorials, activities, projects, lesson plans, or resource tools.


Chemisty Resources
Chemistry units are correlated with useful web sites.


Classroom Connect
This site has tools and resources for teachers, lesson plans, etc.


Connected Teacher
Global Resources and Educational Link Archives form Classroom Connect. This site offers teaching and learning resources in all content areas.


Contemporary Physics Education Project
This is an interactive site developed for teachers and physicists.


The Copernicus Education Gateway
Copernicus is a mega education resource offering resources, lesson plans, and a parent portion with curriculum help and news.


Cornell Theory Center Math and Science Gateway
Cornell University has chosen some good sites from basic to advanced chemisty.


Discovery Channel School
This site has information on teaching, lesson plans, and curriculum links that are structured around Discovery Channel programming.  Also, the teacher section includes the popular Kathy Schrock Guide for Educators.


Education Week
The online version of Education Week provides an archive of articles with search capabilities.


Education World
A great educational site to search by keyword or browse by content area.


Educational Index
This is a subject listing of recommended resources.


Educational Testing Service Network
This site has links to information and resources concerning tests-- SAT, AP, etc.


EduHound: Everything for Education K-12
Locate links to resources by subject or browse by keywords; find lesson plans, Internet tutorials, and links to sites for using one computer in the classroom.


Electronic Collaboration
Use this site to communicate online, share information, and find collaborative projects.


E-Mail Discussion Lists and Electronic Journals
A comprehensive alphabetical list of education related discussion groups organizes educational journals and discussion links..


Encyclopedia Smithsonian
This site provides links to Smithsonian resources.


ePALS Classroom Exchange
The ePals Classroom Exchange is a large online classroom and penpal network.


Federal Resources for Educational Excellence
This free collection of resources for educators is  grouped by subject.

Find Tutorials
Find web tutorials and online courses on numerous subjects


Forum One
Forum has created a thorough index of web forums (discussion groups and bulletin or message boards).


Frank Potter's Science Gems
A great physical, life, and earth science site that is organized and searchable by category and grade level.
This site gives teachers the opportunity to setup safe, controlled e-mail accounts for student/classroom use.   


The Gateway to Educational Materials
This educational site permits searching for curricular material and lesson plans by keyword and grade level.


IMSE net
Instructional Materials in Science Education is a very good resource site for science materials.


Instrumental Music Teacher Resources
This site has links to resource materials to assist music educators.


Intercultural E-Mail Classroom Connections
A free service for teachers to create classroom partnerships with other countries and cultures.


International Guide
Virginia Commonwealth University developed this collection of sites to supplement the study of many languages.


Internet Based Lesson Plans
This site offers help integrating technology into the classroom


The Internet Pilot to Physics
This site is designed to link users to resources, forums, and a virtual laboratory


K-12 Resources for Music Educators
A good list of links for both band instructors and students.


K-12 Teaching Materials
This site is a collection of links and lesson plans for K-12 math teacher.


KeeBoo is a tool to gather and personalize information for publication in book form on the web.


Learning Web
A great site with lesson plans, materials and resources to explore and teach earth science.


The Library of Congress
This site offers American Memory (historical images gallery), THOMAS (Congressional search), and the library collection which links to Internet resources for K-12 educators.


Lightspan Partnership
This site offers curriculum links through the Global Schoolhouse. Search by subject or keyword as well by grade level, this comprehensive site has information for teachers, parents, and students.


This site covers curriculum standards and resource links.


National Center for Education Statistics
This great statistics site has all kinds of data on education in the United States as well as other countries.


National Geographic
Wonderful resources to support the magazine and production of National Geographic, lesson plans, online adventures, expeditions, and interactive multimedia experiences.


Neag Center for Gifted Education & Talent Development
This site is for educators working with gifted programs.  It provides articles, and professional development materials and information.


New York Times Learning Network
Explore history through events reported in the news.  This news curriculum site includes lesson plans, an archive, quizzes, and links to the Newspaper in Education program.


Online Internet Institute
The Online Internet Institute is designed to help teachers use and integrate technology.


PBS Teacher Source
Lesson plans, guides, activities to complement PBS programs are available at this PBS site.


Pennsylvania Department of Education
Pennsylvania Department of Education website provides news, announcements, school profiles, links to education resources, and pertinent information concerning education.


Professional Development
This Planning Guide for Staff Development is designed to help implement staff development.


Reinventing Schools: The Technology is Now!
This site explores the use of technology in education.


School Planning & Management
This online magazine version of School Planning & Management covers trends, supplies, technology, and facility issues pertinent to school administrators, personnel, boards, etc


This "Specialized search engine that indexes over 20 million University and education pages and ranks them in order of popularity" is a useful tool when researching scholarly materials.


Social Studies:Lesson Plans and Teaching Strategies
This site has a selection of materials for K-12 and is organized by grade level.


Tapped In
This site offers professional development, collaborative activities, discussion, mailing lists, and classroom resources.


This "educational Internet village" is a great collection of links and materials for teachers and  parents.  There are many good links that address family needs. 


Teachers First
Teachers First provides many professional resources as well as subject links to resources
Lesson plans, calendar of workshops conferences, discussions with authors and educators, and chat forums are available to assist educators communicate and share information and ideas.
This is a comprehensive educational resource with links to various reference sites.


Lightspan sponsors web contests for students and teachers creating educational webpages.  It also provides links to curriculum materials in every content area.


The U.S. Department of Education
U.S. Department of Education site offers national education news, issues, programs, statistics, and other resources.


Wired Kids
Wired Kids has links to curriculum resources,  rubrics, assessments, professional development, and technology.


World Lecture Hall
The University of Texas provides lectures, assignments, calendars, tests, activities, and graphics used by instructors at colleges throughout the world.