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Biographical Dictionary This biographical dictionary can be searched by name, birth, death, profession, literary or artistic works, or other keywords.
Biography Use this site to find information on the lives of famous people, including current personalities and celebrities.
Lives, the Biography Resource This is a large biographical index of links to biographies, autobiographies, memoirs, diaries, etc. that can be searched by name.
BrainyQuote A great place to browse quotes by topics or authors.
Creative Quotations Search for quotes and proverbs in many ways--topic, theme, keyword, author, etc.
Quoteland: All the Right Words Use Quoteland to search for quotes by word or topic or to get help identifying quotes.
Welcome to Your Quotation Center A very good site to search quotation by keyword or author. QuoteWorld A large database of quotes to search by author, title, or keywords. An archive of documents is a help in locating historical quotes. Bartlett's Familiar Quotations This online version of Familiar Quotations by John Bartlett provides a very useful search by keyword or author. Cambridge Dictionaries Online Choose any of the listed Cambridge dictionaries to search words, phrases, and idioms. Dictionary.com This comprehensive site has a combination dictionary, thesaurus, translator, grammar and writing help. 1 One Look Dictionaries: The Fast Finder This great site helps you search words indexed in many online dictionaries at one time. Thesaurus.com The online version of the well known Roget's Thesaurus has the capability to search words and phrases. The alphabetical index of words may also be browsed. WWWebster Dictionary The Merriam Webster Dictionary has a word search function as well as a thesaurus and vocabulary links.
Infoplease This is an excellent place to find the basic facts found in Information Please Almanac, the standard almanac and reference tool.
The Leadership Library This site organizes and provides links to several general and specific interest almanacs. Old Farmer’s Almanac The online version of this classic almanac covers all the data collected and recorded in the traditional almanac--weather, gardening, astronomy, food, etc.
Britannica Browse and search online Encyclopedia Britannica with links to the best web sites. Encarta Learning Zone Encarta Encyclopedia is available online at this site.
Find News--Online News Directory
NewsBlip NewsDirectory Newspaper Association of American Hotlinks Newspapers Online Online Newspapers Newspapers US and Worldwide Television News Archive An archive of television news broadcasts and other programming collected and maintained by Vanderbilt University. TotalNews USA Today The online version of USA Today. US Newspaper Links A listing of newspapers in the US organized by state. World Newspapers World newspapers online and news sites in English by region.
Acronym Finder
Clip Art Gallery This clip art gallery for teachers is a good way to find school related graphics. Clip Art Theme Page This site provides an annotated list of links to clip art collections. Finding Images Online This comprehensive directory of archives, galleries, etc. will help you find almost any image. Image Finder Search several databases from this site, including NASA. Image Libraries Use this site to link to various image sites, including National Geographic, American Memory (Library of Congress archives), and Kodak. Pictures Theme Page This annotated list of links of photographs and images is a helpful and organized approach to finding the appropriate graphic. Video Search Engine This index searches for video clips. Web Places Clip Art Searcher Use various search engines to find graphics, clip art, web graphics, sounds, etc.
Federal Web Locator This is a searchable database of government publications provided by the Center for Information Law and Policy. National Archives and Record Administration Locate agencies, organizations, departments, public publishers of government information by using this government archive. State and Local Government on the Net This site is a portal to state and local government sites. It is a great index and organizes information on the states and local areas. University of Michigan Library Documents Center This document center organizes local, state, federal, and international government information.
refdesk.com This site can be browsed or searched through a fact search window. Research-It
All in One Search Page This is a great place to find the perfect search engine, directory, or index to execute a search. Associations on the Net Use this guide to search for noteable organizations and associations National Address Server Enter a postal address and this site rewrites and formats the address for printing with a barcode. Also, view a map of the address.
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Find Articles Use this terrific database to view magazine articles by topic or keyword. MagPortal A great database to serach for magazines by keyword or broad topics such as business, education, health, science and technology, etc. RSAP Full texts of magazines and newspapers on the web.
National Atlas This site is a collection of multimedia and interactive maps. Create a map of various states, regions, cities or select various geographic criteria - agriculture, climate, biology, boundaries, environment, geology, history,etc. National Geographic Retrieve a variety of maps including historical, topographic, physical, etc. Topzone An excellent source for topographic maps of the entire United States.